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Pine Valley Improvement Club ​
"4000 Feet Above Care"
The Pine Valley Clubhouse is a great venue for holding community events or for that special personal celebration such as a wedding, shower, birthday, or graduation party. It is also an ideal site to hold a business conference. Not only are our rates very competitive. You may rent the entire Clubhouse which includes kitchen facilities, bathrooms, a raised stage, attached small conference room, a small outside garden area or portions of the facility. Lastly, the Clubhouse also has air conditioning and allows alcoholic beverages to be served to your guests.
Valley Views Newsletter
To submit a Valley Views article or advertisement, please send an e-mail to Debi McNamer : editor, at:
​Valley Views advertisements rates are as follows:
Half page $65/month or $ 129/quarter​
Quarter page $50/month or $99/quarter
Eighth page (business card) $30/month or $60/quarter
Valley Views classified ads are 10 cents per word. Make check payable to PVIC. Ads longer than 25 words will be run if space is available.
Mail ad payment to PVIC, PO Box 195, Pine Valley, CA 91962 or drop off the ad/money at the PV Branch Library.
For billing questions, please e-mail: Emily Santelices at: or call 619-319-0855
Please see a sample of the Valley Views front page for your review.
The Valley Views reaches a large backcountry population that could be interested in either your services or products through either a personal ad or a paid advertisement.
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